It's hard to pin down our style, especially as we play across multiple games, but even when we were based soley in DAOC
we couldn't claim to have a single play style. We were know as a PvE guild (Players verses Enviroment i.e. boss raids etc), but even then we
still had groups running RvR (Realm vs Realm i.e. large scale player vs player). We were often accused of not helping in Realm defense
(despite often having the biggest turn out) because we let some of our members not interested in PvP carry on playing PvE or crafting.
Having said that, when the Red Shadows alliance were challanged to a RvR event by the 'Realm Defense' alliance we smashed them
not only by winning the event but also by having a much larger turn out (to the point were we had to loan them some of our players to
make it an even contest). Read all about it in the 'History' section.